This concludes Chapter 21. Below is a brief summary which you can review before you take your chapter quiz.
Adaptation of Zoning Ordinances - Tests of validity of power: must not violate the rights of individuals and property owners.
Exceptions to Zoning:
An illegal nonconforming use is one that conflicts with the ordinances that were in place before the use commenced.
A Variance may be sought to provide deviation from an ordinance or a change of zoning.
Spot Zoning is the reclassification of one piece of property in an area for a specific purpose.
Conditional Use Permit: for a property that is deemed to be in the public interest contrary to the zoning that exists.
Zoning in California
The National Environmental Policy Act requires an environmental impact report on all projects that use federal funding. The Clean Air Act makes it mandatory for all businesses, including real estate developers, to meet air quality standards.
The California Environmental Quality Act of 1970 (CEQA) provides procedures and information to ensure that governmental agencies will consider and respond to the environmental effects of their proposed decisions.
For a major project, an expensive and fully-documented Environmental Impact Report (EIR) must be prepared by the builder.
The California Conservation Act controls the 1,000-mile California coast.
The state housing law is a UNIFORM code that MUST BE adopted by ALL cities and counties in California.
The California State Contractor’s License Law requires that anyone who does the business of a contractor be licensed as such.
No. | Subject | Author | Date | Views |
102 | Wrranty Deed는 여섯 가지의 Covenant을 포함 | admin | 2019.03.31 | 202 |
101 | Settlement-Statement Worksheet | admin | 2019.03.27 | 247 |
100 | TEST 27 | admin | 2019.03.27 | 676 |
99 | Chapter 27 Conclusion | admin | 2019.03.27 | 330 |
98 | TEST 26 | admin | 2019.03.27 | 260 |
97 | Chapter 26 Conclusion | admin | 2019.03.27 | 162 |
96 | TEST 25 | admin | 2019.03.27 | 333 |
95 | Chapter 25 Conclusion | admin | 2019.03.27 | 524 |
94 | TEST 24 | admin | 2019.03.27 | 267 |
93 | Chapter 24 Conclusion | admin | 2019.03.26 | 196 |
92 | TEST 23 | admin | 2019.03.26 | 221 |
91 | Chapter 23 Conclusion | admin | 2019.03.26 | 164 |
90 | TEST 22 | admin | 2019.03.26 | 249 |
89 | Chapter 22 Conclusion | admin | 2019.03.26 | 199 |
88 | TEST 21 | admin | 2019.03.25 | 328 |
» | Chapter 21 Conclusion | admin | 2019.03.25 | 804 |
86 | TEST 20 | admin | 2019.03.25 | 271 |
85 | Chapter 20 Conclusion | admin | 2019.03.25 | 193 |
84 | TEST 19 | admin | 2019.03.25 | 556 |
83 | Chapter 19 Conclusion | admin | 2019.03.25 | 181 |