The Constitution guarantees private ownership of real estate. However, ownership rights are not absolute; others may exert claims against one's property.
Land - surface, all natural things attached to it, subsurface, and air above the surface
Real estate - land plus all permanently attached man-made structures, called improvements
Property - something that is owned by someone, and the associated rights of ownership; property is real or personal, tangible or intangible
Real property rights - the bundle of rights associated with owning a parcel of real estate. Foremost of these rights is the right of possession.
An item may be real or personal property depending on the "attachment" criterion and other circumstances.
Fixtures - real property converted from personal property by attachment to real estate
Trade fixtures - personal property items temporarily attached to real estate in order to conduct business; to be removed at some point
Emblements - plants or crops considered personal property since human intervention is necessary for planting, harvesting
Conversion - transforming real to personal property through severance, or personal to real property through affixing
No. | Subject | Author | Date | Views |
222 | Real Estate Law 17 | admin | 2019.05.06 | 574 |
221 | Real Estate Law 16 | admin | 2019.05.06 | 322 |
220 | Real Estate Law 15 | admin | 2019.05.06 | 245 |
219 | Quiz 3 | admin | 2019.05.05 | 11252 |
218 | Chapter 3 Summary | admin | 2019.05.05 | 295 |
217 | Real Estate Law 14 | admin | 2019.05.05 | 349 |
216 | Real Estate Law 13 | admin | 2019.05.05 | 221 |
215 | Real Estate Law 12 | admin | 2019.05.05 | 242 |
214 | Real Estate Law 11 | admin | 2019.05.05 | 235 |
213 | Real Estate Law 10 | admin | 2019.05.05 | 208 |
212 | Real Estate Law 9 | admin | 2019.05.05 | 208 |
211 | Real Estate Law 8 | admin | 2019.05.05 | 244 |
210 | Real Estate Law 7 | admin | 2019.05.05 | 265 |
209 | Quiz Law 2 | admin | 2019.05.04 | 52960 |
208 |
Chapter 2 Review (5)
![]() | admin | 2019.05.04 | 303 |
207 | Chapter 2 Review (4) | admin | 2019.05.04 | 257 |
206 | Chapter 2 Review (3) | admin | 2019.05.04 | 292 |
205 | Chapter 2 Review (2) | admin | 2019.05.04 | 500 |
» | Chapter 2 Review | admin | 2019.05.04 | 273 |
203 | Real Estate Law 6 | admin | 2019.05.04 | 291 |