Real Estate Law 92

admin 2019.05.16 14:58 Views : 200

Check Your Understanding Answers

  1. If a client asks a licensee’s opinion about a home or neighborhood, how should the licensee respond?

    The licensee can respond with factual statements based on features of the home or neighborhood. However, it is illegal to voice an opinion based on race, religion, color, national origin, sex, handicap, familial status, or any of the protected classes.
  2. What information should a listing agent discuss with a seller before taking the listing?

    Before even entering into a listing agreement, a licensee should explain the importance of fair housing compliance and secure a commitment to this from the seller before agreeing to list the house.
  3. What must an agent tell a seller if he or she asks about the color, religion, ethnicity, familial status, or other “protected class” characteristics of the buyer?

    The agent should say it is inappropriate to give out such information.
  4. How should an agent respond if a seller says he or she wants to wait for another offer because the buyers with the current offer “aren’t a right fit for the house”?

    The agent should ask why the seller doesn’t think the buyer is a good fit. It’s important for the agent to know if it is based on something discriminatory or not.
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