Real Estate Law 101

admin 2019.05.16 21:40 Views : 249

Check Your Understanding Answers

  1. What is rent control and how does it affect a city?

    Rent control is a government regulation of the amount of rent a landlord may charge a tenant. While it protects a tenant from large increases in rent, it also results in many landlords neglecting their properties. Also, cities with rent control policies tend to have more housing shortages than cities without rent control.
  2. What two types of rent control ordinances does California have?
    • Ordinances without vacancy decontrol, which limit rent increases for both new and existing tenants.
    • Ordinances with vacancy decontrol, which allow a property owner to set the rent for a new tenant without any restrictions.
  3. List three topics California Mobilehome Residency Law outlined in Civil Codes 798-798.88 addresses. (Additional correct answers on page 55.)
    • Rental agreements
    • Rules and regulations
    • Fees and charges
  4. If the use of a mobilehome park changes and management decides to evict tenants, how much notice is management required to provide? 

    The tenant must be given 6 months to vacate the property if the change required government approval. If no approval was required, the tenant must be given 12 months. 
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