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President Obama Birth Certificate Faked - Sedition And Treason

technology-networking-abstract-business.By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU

There is considerable evidence today 4/29/2011 - President Obama birth certificate faked! See videos at my website from a graphics designer and a person who knows his way around Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. Document was done in layers and even some numbers don't look like the others. FAKE!

After over three years Barack Hussein Obama has apparently released a fake President Obama Birth Certificate on 4/27/2011. Finally! Why did it take so long? Obama's habit of not following our country's rules, laws and Constitution is still sedition. Over three years of sedition and treason. Treason is not being loyal to one's country. In his speech about it, he said the State of Hawaii has released his birth certificate. Hospitals furnish them, not states. Let's see a copy of his application for it. In addition, the certificate has no official seal stamp and indicates his father's race as African. Huh? In 1961 they would have written negro - not African. African refers to a continent - not a race. Besides, there are lots of white Africans. Also, video above shows pasting different background paper. FRAUD!

Webster's dictionary defines sedition as going against one's country's laws, rules and regulations. Treason is disloyalty to one's country. Both are very closely related. Sedition has up to a 20 year jail sentence plus fine. Treason can even have the death penalty.

Article 2, Section 1 of the U.S. Constitution says:
"No Person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President."

Our founding fathers were fearful of a rich lord, duke, earl or other rich foreigner would come over to the new nation of America and "buy" his way into the presidency. That's the reason why "natural born" was added to the Constitution.

To become President you must be born here or have at least one parent who is an American citizen who is legally qualified to transmit citizenship to their children. President Obama's father, Barack Obama, Senior, was a British subject of Kenya, Africa origin. Stanley Ann Dunham (18 years old at the time of Junior's birth) - Junior's mother - subsequently divorced Obama Senior, remarried and moved to Indonesia with Junior. The law requires any U.S. citizen having a child with a non-citizen to have been physically present in the United States for at least five years after the age of sixteen. Therefore, Obama Jr. can only be President if he were actually born in the United States.

President Obama's birth certificate's legal costs are over one million dollars of his own money fighting citizen-based lawsuits striving to force him to prove he is a natural born citizen. Why wasn't he vetted in the first place? Republican candidate John McCain was. Why would he spend a million dollars to hide the truth? Wouldn't you just release a true Hawaiian long-form copy rather than lose a million dollars? I know I would.

Obama got one million dollars with the Nobel Peace Prize. He received the Nobel after just 2 months in office. Why? Obama hadn't done anything and he gets the Nobel Peace Prize? I think it was an up front down payment by the world leftist elite for the one-world-government/new-world-order "wet work" Obama would be doing later to ruin America's economy, grow socialism, grow the size of government and take our freedom and liberty. "Big Brother" Obama has hammered the Constitution and weakened the United States in every way he can.

His latest speech, April 13, 2011, was re-election propaganda "talking to the center." Charles Krauthammer, Washington Week, called the speech lies, a disgrace and hyper-partisan. I noticed Obama used the word invest or investments 12 times in the pandering-to-the-left speech. When has the government invested in anything and made a profit or produced a product or service that was even close to what the free market could produce? "Investment" is covert communist code comrade for more government spending. Right out of the Marxism 101 handbook!

As of 3/20/2011, President Obama's approval rating in a recent poll has dropped to 46%. A new low for the renegade rogue President Barack Hussein Obama - fascist. Fascism is when a leader beats business people and the military into submission and then runs right over the judicial, legislative and executive branches of the government. He is doing that right now! Think Hitler if you want to know how Webster's dictionary defines fascism.

Remarkably, 13 states are considering legislation requiring proof of an original birth certificate before candidates are allowed to be placed on the ballot. Tennessee is the latest, and many are well on the way to implementing the rule.

Recently, Donald ("YOU'RE FIRED" for foisting the "F" word) Trump is considering a run for President. Trump has brought up the no long-form doctor signed birth certificate issue and has been labeled a "birther" by the mainstream liberal press.

Conversely, Jon Meacham, Random House, and co-host of the new PBS (Public Broadcasting System) show "Need To Know" came out throwing cold water on Trump's statements. In his "In Perspective" segment, ICONWIN Meacham said Barack Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961. How does he know? Was he there? On 4/29/2011, Meacham came out in favor of a radical Obama plan requiring that all contractors winning work with Washington will have to disclose what political contributions they have made. This is Marxism 101. More government intrusion. Downright fascism. If you donated to the other political party, is your bid thrown in the trash?

The "Need To Know" program should mind their own left-wing Marxist knitting. It seems the program took over the time-slot vacated in 2010 by the end of Bill Moyer's Journal. Bill Moyer used to get absolutely giddy on his program about the ascent of big government and socialism.

Currently there is a bill pending in Washington de funding public TV and radio. Maybe taxpayer support should be withdrawn from public TV and radio if they are going to be preaching socialism, thinly disguised communism and protecting a lying, fraudulent fascist President Obama. It was entrepreneurs, free enterprise, private property rights, capitalism and the Constitution that made America great. I know I'm not going to donate to PBS anymore.

A new book by Jerome Corsi, "Where's The Birth Certificate", is scheduled to be released May 17, 2011. Written before Obama's birth certificate was released on 4/28/11, it purports to have proof Obama was not "natural born." It's already on the best seller list at

Do not re-elect President Obama, socialist/Marxist/communist - now morphing into a fascist - liar and fraud ever again. I'm serious!

If government takes away our rights to free speech, religion, assembly, press and to own guns, then it's only a matter of time before a rogue, lawless government comes after our personal freedoms. Let's not let Obama further ruin our Constitution.

Impeachment is probably impossible because of the Democrat majority in the Senate - even for the President Obama birth certificate fake. Don't elect tyrant Obama again!

Copyright 2011 by Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU
Use of this article allowed with attribution back to:

By Delwyn Lounsbury - THE DEFLATION GURU Get your free 90 page download "Deflation Guidebook" at: website Hurry! The Crash Is Coming!