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Of course this is part 4 of a 5 part series on helping you make a better choice than soda because by now, you have realized that it is not so good for you. You however, may be one of those people who, on the outside, look as if you don't need to worry about drinking too much soda because you may be thin, or maybe you can even put on some weight to fill your pants out. Well I can tell you I once had that same thought process when I was a young lad, convinced that I could eat anything and get away with it! Well the heart attack at 29 taught me that I am NOT invincible and I also need to be thinking about what I feed my acid body ph. Just like you.

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ash powder So you need to lye to make soap. But lye is a dangerous chemical and needs to be handled safely and correctly or it can result in skin burns and other problems.

If you have never given your chinchilla a dust bath, you may be somewhat intimidated, but don't be. This is an important part of their care. Resist the temptation to just put the chinchilla in water and bathe it like a regular pet. Water damages the chinchilla's pelt. Your chinchilla's coat has natural oils which serve several purposes. The oils enable the chinchilla to maintain their own body temperature and it protects their skin from irritation and injury. The dust bath without a doubt is the best way to help care for your chinchilla.

It is the reaction of a caustic solution with the fat, which creates the foaming, cleansing effects of soap. And the caustic agent is lye water acquired by pouring rain, also known as "soft" water, through the ashes.

WEIGHING THE INGREDIENTS: Most of the ingredients can be measured or weighed in pounds. This is how I weighed my ingredients, but still continue to do so. I put the empty measuring cup on the scale and noted that it weighed 3 lb. Into the measuring cup I added the cold water until the scale read 5 lb, then carefully added the lye until the scale read 5 3/4 lb. I stirred the water until the lye was dissolved completely and set it aside to cool. I then put the empty stock pot on to the scale and noted that it weighed 2 lb. Into the pot I added shortening until the scale read 5 lb, next I added coconut oil until the scale read 6 lb. Last I added olive oil until the scale read 7 1/2 lb. I then moved the pot to the stove and turned the burner on low to slowly melt the oils together.

If you need another week to get accustomed to diet, take it. Every time you visit you might find yourself overwhelmed by soda information. This isn't a race, the benefits of removing soda from your life is well worth taking your time to do it right.

I've long used baking soda and white vinegar to keep my kitchen and bathroom drains clear and fresh smelling. I just put a teaspoon or less of baking soda into the drain and then pour in about a tablespoon of vinegar. I must admit that I am the kind of cook who rarely measures anything, and the same is true for these proportions, so feel free to experiment to find what works best in your sinks. Start small, though -- the combination of baking soda and vinegar causes an active fizzling and bubbling!