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The simplest definition of taking up the cross or dying to self is "the submission to the will of God". It requires submitting our will to God's purposes and plans. That is the only way to kill our old, sinful nature. We can't subscribe to a defeated mindset and expect a life of victory. Victorious living demands victorious thinking. In the words of legendary NFL coach Vince Lombardi, "It's not whether you get knocked down; it's whether you get up".

New So, from that day forward, gid=0 - - every time the phone would ring, when I met someone new, received a referral or an email request I began to feel the anticipation as if I had just earned another one thousand dollars. Some days I would make cold calls or go to places out of the blue with the intention of meeting just one person.

Writing just as you would talk makes it easier to engage your readers and help them to "listen" to what you are saying. You have a unique voice even if you don't realize it. Make it easy for your visitors to read and understand. Uncover your voice and let your readers listen. Write for your visitors first and search engines second.

Does this make sense? For many new bloggers trying to write like you talk can be scary and take a bit of practice. You may think you need to write more eloquently that you would actual talk. This is a big mistake. You need to be natural even in writing.

The costs of maintaining and repairing an old car as well as the changing needs dictated by your life style are often the key points that let you know when to buy a New car.

Sure, I've been ridiculed for my "Noo Yawk' accent. Maybe I do say "Fugheddaboudit! I ain't saying nuttin," or "Gedoutahea, yer pudding me on!" So! Wherever we go, we New Yorkers will always stand out. For good or ill, we are different, and that's what makes us so great.

To help you better understand this concept let me familiarize you with two terms I created for my experiment. They are Relationship Value and Relationship Income.