This concludes Chapter 20. Below is a brief summary which you can review before you take your chapter quiz.
Police power is the constitutional right of the government to regulate private activity to promote the general safety, health, and welfare of society. No private property is exempt from eminent domain.
A legal description is NOT THE ADDRESS of the property.
Range Lines are lines on either side of a principal meridian and are divided into six-mile-wide strips by lines that run north and south parallel to the meridian.
A Township is a 36-square-mile area formed by the intersection of a township and range lines. Each township square is divided into 36 Sections, each one mile square.
California has 3 sets of base lines and meridians:
The Subdivision Map Act
The Subdivided Lands Act
Subdivision regulations:
A land project is a speculative subdivision development of 50 or more vacant lots that are located in a rural area that has fewer than 1,500 registered voters within 2 miles.
The Interstate Sales Full-Disclosure Act regulates land sales between two or more states. Under this law, out-of-state buyers have 7 days after receiving the public report to rescind the contract.
A Common Interest Development (CID): common areas used by all tenants, with the exception of separate interests to use as individual living units, and managed by a nonprofit association. Types of common interest ownership:
A planned development is a subdivision in which the lots are owned separately, but certain areas are owned in common by all owners.
A Common Area is the part of the lot or Chapter in the subdivision that is shared equally by all owners (undivided interest).
An undivided interest is the right of any owner to use ANY part of the project.
Community Apartment Projects are two or more apartments that are defined as a subdivision, in which the operation is usually exercised by the governing board.
A Condominium buyer, on the other hand, gets a FEE interest or DEED to his unit.
A Stock Cooperative is a CORPORATION formed to own the land and improved real property, that either owns OR leases real property.
A developer is one who attempts to put land to its most profitable use through the construction of improvements.
A subdivider is an owner whose land is divided into two or more lots and offered for disposition.
No. | Subject | Author | Date | Views |
102 | Wrranty Deed는 여섯 가지의 Covenant을 포함 | admin | 2019.03.31 | 202 |
101 | Settlement-Statement Worksheet | admin | 2019.03.27 | 247 |
100 | TEST 27 | admin | 2019.03.27 | 676 |
99 | Chapter 27 Conclusion | admin | 2019.03.27 | 330 |
98 | TEST 26 | admin | 2019.03.27 | 260 |
97 | Chapter 26 Conclusion | admin | 2019.03.27 | 162 |
96 | TEST 25 | admin | 2019.03.27 | 333 |
95 | Chapter 25 Conclusion | admin | 2019.03.27 | 524 |
94 | TEST 24 | admin | 2019.03.27 | 267 |
93 | Chapter 24 Conclusion | admin | 2019.03.26 | 196 |
92 | TEST 23 | admin | 2019.03.26 | 221 |
91 | Chapter 23 Conclusion | admin | 2019.03.26 | 164 |
90 | TEST 22 | admin | 2019.03.26 | 249 |
89 | Chapter 22 Conclusion | admin | 2019.03.26 | 199 |
88 | TEST 21 | admin | 2019.03.25 | 328 |
87 | Chapter 21 Conclusion | admin | 2019.03.25 | 804 |
86 | TEST 20 | admin | 2019.03.25 | 271 |
» | Chapter 20 Conclusion | admin | 2019.03.25 | 193 |
84 | TEST 19 | admin | 2019.03.25 | 556 |
83 | Chapter 19 Conclusion | admin | 2019.03.25 | 181 |