Real Estate Practice - 18 (Understanding-Answers)

admin 2019.04.14 19:40 Views : 158

Check Your Understanding-Answers

  1. What kind of ad is illegal in California? 

    Blind ads that do not identify the advertiser as a broker are illegal. 
  2. What is the difference between classified ads and display ads? 

    Classified ads are inexpensive, contain words only and are printed in the classified section of the paper. 

    Display ads are expensive, can contain words, pictures and graphics and are printed outside the classified section of the paper. 
  3. Why is television becoming a more common advertising venue? 

    Many cable stations now run "community bulletin boards" that advertise items for sale, including real estate. Also, "home showcase" programs are becoming more common on the cable networks.
  4. What kind of advertising does the Truth in Lending Act prohibit? 

    Bait-and-switch advertising 