Real Estate Law 2

admin 2019.05.04 18:06 Views : 25494

Check Your Understanding - Answers

  1. What does a metes and bounds legal description do?

    Identifies the boundaries of a parcel of real estate using reference points, distances, and angles.
  2. In the rectangular survey method, how large is a township in square miles and how large is a township section?

    A township is 36 square miles and a section is one square mile or 640 acres.
  3. For what kinds of properties is the lot and block method most often used?

    The lot and block system, also called the recorded plat method, is used to describe properties in residential, commercial, and industrial subdivisions.
  4. What other ways of describing property are legal?
    • References to records of survey or tax assessor’s maps, provided they have been recorded in the county where the property is located
    • Some kinds of generalized descriptions, as long as the use of those names or descriptions make it possible to establish exactly what property is being described
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