Real Estate Law 38

admin 2019.05.08 20:17 Views : 333

Check Your Understanding Answers

  1. What type of contract will a new real estate licensee likely first experience?

    An employment contract with his or her sponsoring broker
  2. List three characteristics of licensees who are independent contractors? (Additional correct answers on page 4.)
    • The agent controls his or her schedule, hours, and workload
    • The broker cannot control HOW the agent performs his or her real estate duties.
    • The broker does NOT withhold any money from the agent’s paycheck.
  3. Although it’s usually easier for brokers to hire licensees as independent contractors rather than employees, what is the trade-off?

    The amount of control brokers have over their licensees
  4. What are the conditions of the IRS safe harbor test?
    • The person must be a qualified (properly licensed) real estate agent.
    • Compensation paid to the real estate agent for services performed must be based on production, not hours work.
    • A written agreement must exist between the independent contractor and the broker stating that the contractor will not be treated as an employee for income tax purposes.
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