These traditional common-law fiduciary duties that an agent owes their principal are:
Accounting: The duty to keep accurate records of all transactions and finances related to the principal's affairs.
Care: The duty to act with the skill, care, and diligence that a reasonable person would use under similar circumstances.
Confidentiality: The duty to keep all information confidential that the principal designates as such, or that is naturally confidential, and not to disclose it without proper authorization.
Obedience: The duty to follow all lawful instructions given by the principal in the agency agreement.
Loyalty: The duty to act solely in the best interests of the principal and to avoid conflicts of interest.
Disclosure: The duty to disclose all relevant information to the principal that could affect their decision-making process.
These duties are fundamental to the agency relationship and help ensure that the agent acts in the best interests of their principal at all times.
No. | Subject | Author | Date | Views |
442 | 비상속권 소유권 | admin | 2024.07.21 | 105 |
441 | 절대 소유권(Fee Simple Absolute) | admin | 2024.07.21 | 108 |
440 | 부동산 법적 설명 | admin | 2024.07.21 | 104 |
439 | 인공 부착물 (Fixtures) | admin | 2024.07.21 | 108 |
438 | 자연 부착물 (Natural Attachments) | admin | 2024.07.21 | 103 |
437 | 지지 권리 (Support Rights)/ | admin | 2024.07.21 | 104 |
436 | 석유 및 가스 권리 (Oil and Gas Rights) | admin | 2024.07.21 | 113 |
435 | 물 권리 (Water Rights) | admin | 2024.07.21 | 115 |
434 | 부동산 및 재산 소유권의 정의 | admin | 2024.07.20 | 111 |
433 | 부동산 법적 설명 | admin | 2024.07.19 | 108 |
432 | 부동산 거래에서 끼워팔기 계약(Tying arrangements) | admin | 2024.07.18 | 120 |
431 | Seller concessions" | admin | 2024.07.18 | 117 |
430 | 약탈적 대출 및 부동산 법 Predatory Lending and Real Estate Law | admin | 2024.07.17 | 145 |
429 | Tort Law Liability | admin | 2024.07.17 | 120 |
» | fiduciary duties | admin | 2024.07.13 | 118 |
427 | 대리 요약 및 검토 | admin | 2024.07.13 | 120 |
426 | 대리 관계의 종료 | admin | 2024.07.13 | 115 |
425 | Agency by Estoppel | admin | 2024.07.13 | 118 |
424 | Agency by Ratification | admin | 2024.07.13 | 110 |
423 | 구매 제안 규정 | admin | 2024.07.11 | 109 |