Voluntary Affirmative Marketing Agreement

admin 2024.08.25 17:46 Views : 74

The Voluntary Affirmative Marketing Agreement (VAMA) program, co-authored by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR), has several key goals:

  1. Promote Fair Housing Practices: VAMA encourages real estate professionals to engage in affirmative marketing practices that support equal housing opportunities for all individuals, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin.

  2. Use of Fair Housing Logo: It promotes the use of the Fair Housing logo in all real estate offices, advertising, and marketing materials, signaling a commitment to fair housing principles.

  3. Increase Awareness: VAMA aims to increase awareness among real estate professionals and the public about the importance of fair housing and the commitment to not discriminate in housing transactions.

  4. Encourage Minority Recruitment: The program also seeks to recruit minority persons into the real estate industry, thereby promoting diversity within the profession.

Overall, VAMA serves as a proactive measure to ensure that real estate professionals adhere to fair housing laws and actively promote equal opportunities in housing.

No. Subject Author Date Views
822 injunction / Specific performance admin 2024.08.26 66
821 partial breach of contract admin 2024.08.26 60
820 Nominal damages 상징적 손실 실제적인 재정적 손실이나 피해가 발생하지 않았을 때 admin 2024.08.26 66
819 Lot coverage = 건물이나 구조물이 차지하는 면적의 비율 admin 2024.08.26 63
818 네바다 주의 건축 코드 표준 UBC (Uniform Building Code) admin 2024.08.26 63
817 투자 부동산 (Investment Properties) 세금문제 admin 2024.08.25 61
816 개인 사용 부동산 (Personal Use Property) 세금문제 admin 2024.08.25 68
815 Origination fee 대출기관이 부과하는 수수료 admin 2024.08.25 67
814 binding contract = 구속력 있는 계약 admin 2024.08.25 62
» Voluntary Affirmative Marketing Agreement admin 2024.08.25 74
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811 HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) admin 2024.08.24 69
810 The federal Fair Housing Act * Exemptions admin 2024.08.24 65
809 (Age-Life/Straight Line Method) admin 2024.08.23 70
808 부동산 감정- 대체 또는 재생 비용을 산정하는 방법 admin 2024.08.23 67
807 [부동산 감정] 적용되는 주요 원칙 admin 2024.08.23 60
806 경제적 요인과 부동산의 가치 admin 2024.08.23 57
805 사회적 요인과 부동산 가치 admin 2024.08.23 63
804 정부의 여러 가지 권리와 부동산 가치 admin 2024.08.23 57
803 물리적 요소와 가치 admin 2024.08.23 62